Shop Our Tropical Tea
Since 1995, Hawaiian Islands Tea has been on a mission to produce the world’s most fragrant and flavorful tropical teas. Blended with exotic tropical fruit and natural fruit flavors inspired by the Islands, our premium quality tea leaves create fragrant and flavorful tropical tea. We blend, flavor and package our teas right here, in Hawaii.
Black Tea
Our Tropical Black teabags start with premium hand-picked Camellia Sinensis leaves, rolled and processed by orthodox methods into a superior black tea. The result is a quality tea with unique flavor and smooth taste that blends remarkably well with exotic tropical fruits to create our fragrant and flavorful teas. The tropical black tea flavors are bold and get richer and deeper the longer they steep. Delicious hot or iced.
Green Tea
Our green teabags start with premium hand-picked Camellia Sinensis leaves, carefully blended into a superior green tea with delightful flavor, smooth taste and less caffeine than black tea. After being harvested, the green tea leaves are quickly heated and dried to retain their fresh-picked flavor. Green tea is lighter in color and flavor than black tea, and higher in antioxidants. For optimal freshness, we blend and package our teas right here, in Hawaii. There are simple instructions printed on each box to brew a cup, steep a teapot or make a great pitcher of iced tea. 20 teabags per box. Great served hot or iced!
Herbal Tea
Our Coconut Macadamia Tea is a tropical flavored Rooibos that’s offered as a complimentary treat to guests in some of Hawaii’s finest hotels. 100% caffeine free, Rooibos is said to help with nervous tension and digestive issues. It’s made with pure African Rooibos tea leaves, enhanced with all natural coconut and macadamia flavoring for a flavorful and satisfying tropical treat. Rich in antioxidants Aspalathin and Nothofagin and contains several Phenolic Compounds including Flavonols, Flavones, Flavanones and Dihydrochalcones. Recent studies indicate that Rooibos tea may improve risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Very low tannin levels allowing for longer steeping times, up to 8 minutes.